Holidays! 🍁

Our favorite time of year. Baking, spending time with family & getting cozy! 

Note: Each box is handmade & based on your membership profile. You may have received different items than what’s listed or pictured. That said ensure member receives the same quantity of items with each box valued up to $100.

This month we’re keeping the Fall vibes by teaming up with some great companies & giving you a cute idea for the holiday season.

🧑🏼‍🍳 We give you some great ingredients to make a fun, new dessert for you and your partner plus now an oven-safe baking mat!

Additionally, we hope you enjoy our version of the advent calendar and we hope you’ll try something new this season as we combine dating & philanthropy into one cute little jar!

looking for a different month?

we update this page around the 1st of each month for our members but if you’re looking a different box click below, call our office with questions.


December Box


October Box